December Daily 2019
I worked on a December Daily album for the second time this year, and ended up finishing it early this month. December Daily is a project concept introduced by Ali Edwards years ago, and it essentially involves telling one story a day from December 1 through December 25, to document the holiday season. I’d avoided it for years because I don’t have kids, so my December doesn’t include any kid-related traditions or stories, and I didn’t think I could fill a whole album. Last year, I decided to try it with a 3x8 album, and I found that I could fill an entire album, and in fact I felt a little constricted, space-wise, mainly because I always want to include more pictures. One of my main problems as a documenter is that I have a really hard time narrowing down the pictures. I want to use so many of them. Some of my pocket page spreads are starting to look more like photo album pages and less like scrapbook pages. It’s something I want to work on.
Anyway, I used a 6x8 album this year. I like my album to go all the way up to December 31. I used an album from Ali Edwards Design. The products I used in the album are from Ali Edwards Design, Kelly Purkey Shop, and Studio Calico.
Here’s the finished album…
I used the 5th Avenue numbers and outlines from Kelly Purkey Shop to number the days of the month. The overlays I used throughout are from Ali Edwards Design. There are a couple interactive elements, which I tried to photograph. I started my album with our annual trip to the tree farm, which was technically at the end of November, because I consider it the official start of the holiday season.